Participant Contact Information

Registration Information

Medical Release - required

I, in my capacity as (Father, mother, guardian) do hereby grant permission to La Crosse County 4-H staff or chaperones to secure emergency medical care of my son/daughter or ward if necessary and I am not able to be reached immediately.

We, the undersigned also understand that participation in activities involving horses involves known and unanticipated risks. The undersigned on behalf of him/herself, his/her heirs, successors or assigns plus the undersigned parent, parents or legal guardians of the La Crosse County 4-H member listed on this form, hereby specifically agrees to hold La Crosse County 4-H, its agent, representatives, volunteers, 4-H members, employees, and elected officials harmless from any and all liability for injury, death or property damage which may occur as a direct or indirect result of participation in this event. This release is binding on the participant, his/her heirs, successors and assigns and if the participant is a minor, this release is binding on the participants’ parent, parents or legal guardian and heirs, successors or assigns of the same.

Almost done, where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software